test takers

美 [test ˈteɪkərz]英 [test ˈteɪkəz]
  • 应试者
test takerstest takers
  1. Test takers will make appointments by calling either their local test centre or Regional Registration Centre .


  2. Li was first among over 48000 test takers , according to an article in the Global Times .


  3. Facility value in the classical item analysis varies according to test takers ' proficiency .


  4. Test takers hear a request to read one of the numbered sentences printed on the test paper .


  5. She points out that women are in the minority of GMAT test takers .


  6. Overall , the scores of some test takers with low competence are a little bit overestimated .


  7. His scores were the highest among those of test takers in Yangquan City , Shanxi province in 1986 .


  8. Many test takers said they were confused because they didn 't know how they had breached the rules and regulations .


  9. But according to Paul , as many as three-quarters of test takers achieve a different personality type when tested for a second time .


  10. Test takers should expect to see words that can be used in different ways ( " measured , " " disposed " ) .


  11. According to my interviews with some oral test takers and some students , 90 percent of them prefer the new oral test based on computer .


  12. Are the instructions and format of the DVK comprehensible to test takers ?


  13. Test takers in Beijing had 140 yuan left on average , and no one had less than 10 yuan at the end of the test .


  14. Quantitative and qualitative forms of data are gathered from test takers . All statistical analysis is performed using SPSS 11.0 and the software of paper analysis .


  15. With the development of the reform of personnel system in China , personnel examination is already a social examination with large number of test takers and wide scope .


  16. Scores get to universities sooner and test takers learn of admission decisions much quicker . It 's easier and faster for everyone .


  17. In this task , test takers listen to a spoken question and then answer the question with a single word or a short phrase .


  18. According to the College Board , the national mean GPA among SAT Reasoning Test takers during the2006-07 academic year was3.33 .


  19. The test takers ' total score from the four-part test are below the world average , with the largest gap in the speaking category .


  20. In contrast , gaokao test takers reached a low in 2012 of about nine million since its peak of 10.5 million in 2008 .


  21. BETTY NGUYEN , CNN CORRESPONDENT : The kids here are some of the best test takers in the country .


  22. After getting through all that math , test takers who opt to write the essay will have a much different assignment than they do today .


  23. Test takers can schedule , reschedule or cancel a test as well as view and print a confirmation with all their appointment details .


  24. Tian finished Chinese , math , politics , history and geography along with other test takers , most of whom were in their teens .


  25. Rating scales are of special importance in writing assessment . Different scoring methods will exert different influence on the scores test takers receive from the raters .


  26. The average score of Shanghai test takers in reading is higher than the world average , and their listening and writing scores are on par with the world average .


  27. Li : From the results of the exams that your Council conducts , what do you think are the most common weak points of the test takers in China ?


  28. The determining factor in a high school student 's college placement , the gaokao is the cause of pressure , stress , and occasionally cheating among test takers .


  29. According to MyCOS Research Institute , 28 percent of test takers in the 2012 national graduate school entrance examination applied for a major different from their bachelor 's degree .


  30. ETS will send communications to affected GRE test takers so that they are informed of these details by Saturday Oct.30,2010 .
